Okina Osewa (Big Care): NICIGAS Protect Member Service for customers

Okina Osewa is a service of fixing customers’ problems in everyday life.

Okina Osewa

NICIGAS will fix your problems in everyday life.

Okina Osewa (Big Care): NICIGAS Protect Member Service for customers

The protection service for customers is a set of five basic services and two optional services that are offered separately by individual operators for extensively supporting their everyday lives.
This service is a revolutionary reasonable package that is unique to NICIGAS as a gas supplier. (Business model patent pending)
Why not sign up for it?

Okina Osewa Service Descriptions

Key points of the protect member service for customers

Basic Service 1 Ten-Year Warranty Covering gas appliances purchased at other stores

Okina Osewa 500 yen / month

Your gas appliances will be repaired free of charge for ten years.
Surprisingly, this service also covers gas appliances that you have purchased from other stores.
In addition, it covers all gas appliances for home use, no matter how many of such items you have.
The warranty period of ten years is one of the longest in the industry, and what is more, repair services are available free of charge for an unlimited number of instances.

  • The warranty covers all gas appliances used at home, including those purchased from other stores, and can be claimed an infinite number of times during the ten-year period.

*The service does not apply to appliances for business use or to overseas products.

Okina Osewa + Warranty for household electric appliances 800 yen / month
  • The warranty covers all gas appliances used at home, including those purchased from other stores, and can be claimed an infinite number of times during the ten-year period.

*The service does not apply to appliances for business use or to overseas products.

  • Warranty for four household electric appliances, namely an air conditioner, a washing machine, a refrigerator (excluding models with a capacity of less than 200 liters) and a television, for up to ten years after their purchase, up to the repair cost limit of 500,000 yen and twice a year

Basic Service 2 Troubleshooting Visit Even dealing with problems not related to gas

You can count on us regarding problems with anything other than gas.
We will take emergency actions to fix problems with plumbing items, electrical equipment, keys and glass.

  • The toilet is clogged and will not flush.
  • The drainage water is not flowing smoothly.
  • Water drops are leaking out of a faucet.
  • The circuit breaker has tripped as a result of a lightning strike.
  • The air conditioner will not turn on.
  • The lighting does not work after the light bulb was replaced.
  • I have lost my key and cannot enter my house.
  • The key is broken and cannot be inserted.
  • The internal lock is on and the door will not open.
  • A gust of wind has broken the glass.
  • A window pane is cracked.
  • A burglar broke a window of my house.

*If any component needs to be replaced, the cost of the component will be incurred.
*For any work lasting over 30 minutes, a work fee of 1,500 yen (excluding tax) will be incurred for every 10 minutes.

Basic Service 3 Health Assistance You can seek advice 24 hours a day

Medical doctors, nurses, care managers, psychological counselors and other professional staff will respond to your inquiries on health, nursing care, child care and mental health on a 24/7 basis

  • I would like to learn how to read health checkup results.
  • I would like to know about the procedures for nursing care insurance.
  • I would like to seek advice on the growth of babies.

*This service is not intended for NICIGAS to provide medical care or diagnoses, or to resolve health issues.

Basic Service 4 Concierge Service Extensive coverage from cleaning services to taxis

We will facilitate your use of cleaning services and taxis.

Visiting Services for Clothing Storage and Cleaning

We will offer a service of storing seasonal clothing and delivering it when it is required for the dry-cleaning fee only, and a service of visiting your home to pick up clothing and bedclothes that you want to take to the cleaner.

Car Life Support

You only need to make a phone call to the support desk, and we will organize a taxi for you at your designated location.

*The services provided will incur a fee.

Basic Service 5 Premium Preferential Treatment From trips to shopping

This is an online preferential treatment service that offers reduced charges for approximately 8,500 facilities nationwide, including hotels, hot spring resort facilities, restaurants and amusement facilities.

How to benefit from the service

1 Visit the dedicated website at http://actcall.fc-club.com.

2 Click on “Click here for membership registration.”

3 After agreeing to the Terms of Use, enter the authentication code, which you will find in the brochure at hand.

4 Follow the instructions in the email that will be sent to you to complete the registration process.

5 Click on “Click here for membership registration.”

This service is provided by FC Club Office.
The website for the Premium Preferential Treatment service can be easily viewed on smartphones and similar devices as well.

Website for the Premium
Preferential Treatment service

Go to the Japanese language page.

Optional Service Descriptions

Optional Services
Anshin no Suzu (Bell of Reassurance)

These services are a tangible answer to your desire to have peace of mind regarding your family members who live far away, and to lead a more secure life.

Optional Service 1 Family Watch Service Monitoring the gas meter to watch
your family members who live far away

The Anshin no Suzu family watch service monitors the gas meter of your family members who live far away and informs you of its status by e-mail on your cellphone or computer. If no gas is consumed for one to 15 days, an e-mail message is sent to a maximum of three e-mail addresses that you designate in advance.

+500 yen / month (excluding tax)
*This service is currently suspended.*

Optional Service 2 Reassuring Alarm Service Five alarms protect your family’s safety.

In preparation for unexpected situations, Anshin no Suzu provides reassuring support with five alarms at your residence to swiftly discover problems and ensure prompt evacuation for the purpose of safeguarding your family.

  • Five-year warranty
  • Notice of time for replacement
  • Emergency call reception and action on a 24/7 basis

+500 yen / month, excluding tax
(This includes expenses for standard installation work.)

Signup Process Flow and Supported Devices

If your signup form is accepted by the end of the month, the service will begin on the first day of the month after next. You will be asked to pay the fee together with your gas bill.

Example of schedule:

Appliances supported

This service applies to products that are up to 10 years old.
The date of manufacture is indicated on the individual appliances as shown below.

How to read the information on the label