Privacy Policy

NIPPON GAS CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “we,” “our” or “us”) has instituted a policy on the proper handling of your information and the information of shareholders and equivalent parties in an aim to protect it. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.

1.Perspective on Protection of Your Information

We collect and use your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and other information to facilitate the implementation of our operations.We recognize that it is our important obligation to suitably protect your personal information as mentioned above (hereinafter referred to as “your information”). In order to fulfill this obligation, we will handle your information in accordance with the policy below.
  • We will observe the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and ordinances applicable to your information to handle it appropriately.We will also endeavor to improve our handling of information as appropriate.
  • We will clarify the rules related to the handling of your information and make it known to and followed by our employees.We will ask our business partners to handle your information properly.
  • When collecting your information, we will specify the purpose of use, to contact you or to publish it, and handle it accordingly.
  • We will take necessary measures to appropriately manage your information and prevent it from leaks, loss, tampering and so on.
  • Regarding the acquired information, we will accept your request for disclosure, correction, deletion or discontinuation of use at a designated point of contact and respond in good faith.
  • Regarding information of corporate and other institutional customers, we will take into consideration the purpose of use, whether or not it is known to the public and other factors to appropriately handle it in compliance with relevant laws and ordinances.
Specifically, we will handle your information in accordance with the following.

2.Purpose of Use of Your Information

For ensuring that you use the gas, electricity and other energy (hereinafter collectively referred to as “energy”), we will acquire your personal information (your name, address and phone number) either orally, in writing, by electromagnetic media, by recording or other methods or through a partner company when accepting applications or conducting work. We will use the personal information for the purposes specified below.
Safety services for energy supply equipment and consumption facilities (kitchens, hot water supplies, air conditioning and other appliances)
Stable supply of energy and its expansion
Energy supply equipment work
To provide services relevant to the energy supply business, such as:
Renovation businesses, sales, installation, repair and inspection of energy consumption equipment, alarms and other safety appliances and residential equipment and after-sales (leasing and rental) services
Information on products and services that we, any members of our Group or any of our partner companies deal with, such as apparel, bedding, health foods, home appliances, drinking water, non-life insurance, fiberoptic Internet connection services, video streaming services, storage services, investment management services, online sales services for daily food and other necessities, and other services related to your lifestyle
Information about services and products in the businesses mentioned above, advertising and communication, questionnaires and other surveys, and accumulation of data from monitoring
Improvement in quality of sales activities conducted by sales personnel to confirm your applications and requests
Implementation of other operations related to (1) and (8) above
In order to facilitate the implementation of the above-mentioned operations, we may outsource part of them to financial institutions handling direct debit, information processing firms and other partner companies, including manufacturers’ service bases, construction companies, transportation companies and security firms.In this event, we may entrust our service contractors to perform operations related to the handling of your information to the necessary extent.In such case, we will execute contracts on information handling in order to carry out appropriate supervision of our service contractors.

3.Disclosure and Provision of Your Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose or provide your information to third parties except for the reasons specified in 2. Purposes of Use or the following.
You have given your consent.
We are requested to disclose or provide it in accordance with laws and ordinances.
The disclosure or provision is necessary for the protection of human life, health or property and it is difficult to obtain your consent.
The disclosure or provision is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote sound child development and it is difficult to obtain your consent.
We need to cooperate with the national government, any local government or any equivalent body to carry out public affairs and obtaining your consent could hinder operations

4.Shared Use of Your Information

We will share your information with the following companies.
Information to be Shared
Your name, gender, date of birth, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, household-related information, contract-related information, energy supply equipment (including drawings and information about the architecture and building), appliances owned, appliance sales (including leases and rentals), construction, repairs (details, results, and cause of failure) and services incidental thereto
Scope of Use
Tosai Gas, Inc., Higashinihon Gas Corporation, Shinnihon Gas Corporation, Kitanihon Gas Co., Ltd., Nihongas Koji Inc., Nippon Gas Unyuseibi Co., Ltd., Nichigas Butsuryukeisancenter Co., Ltd., Kumono Ucyusen Co., Ltd., Tokyo Energy Alliance Co., Ltd., works operators designated by NIPPON GAS CO., LTD., companies in a development service partnership with NIPPON GAS CO., LTD., manufacturers and distributors of energy appliances, and other business operators in a business alliance with NIPPON GAS CO., LTD.
Purpose of Use
Collection of information for improving safety and quality of energy appliances, sales (including leases and rentals), repairs within the warranty period and other repairs, delivery services, facilitating the implementation of safety activities, and introduction of items marketed by our group companies
Party Responsible for Management
For details about shared use with gas retailers and general gas pipeline service providers, click here.
For details about shared use with electricity retailers, general electricity transmission and distribution utilities and the equivalent, click here.

5.Disclosure and Correction of Your Information

If you request the disclosure of your information held by us, we will respond within a reasonable period of time and scope after confirming that you are the person filing the request.
Correction, Addition and Deletion
If you request the correction of, addition to or deletion of your information that we hold, we will implement the requested alteration within a reasonable time and scope if the information we hold differs from the facts after confirming that you are the person filing the request.
Discontinuation of Use and Deletion
If you request the discontinuation of use or deletion of your information that we hold, we will follow the requested action within a reasonable time and scope after confirming that you are the person filing the request.Please note that after discontinuation of use or deletion of your information in whole or in part, we may not be able to provide you with service.(We may be unable to respond to requests for discontinuation of use or deletion of your information that we own in accordance with relevant laws and ordinances.)
Complete our designated request form with the required information and mail it with documents to prove your identity.For a disclosure request, the predetermined fee and postage will be at your expense.

6.Information of Corporate and Institutional Customers

We will properly handle the information of corporate and other institutional customers as mentioned above in compliance with relevant laws and ordinances in consideration of the purpose of use, whether or not it is known to the public and other factors.

7.Information of Shareholders

In order to ensure that shareholders exercise their rights and fulfill their duties stipulated in laws and ordinances related to the Commercial Code of Japan, we request that shareholders submit their names, addresses, registered seal impressions, phone numbers and other information for our use. We will also handle the information of shareholders in accordance with 1. Stance on Protection of Your Information and in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Commercial Code and other relevant laws and ordinances.
Purpose of Use
We will use the information of shareholders for the following purposes.
Response to the execution of shareholder rights and fulfillment of obligations under the Commercial Code and other related laws and ordinances
Providing various services to shareholders
Providing information on our and our group’s business activities to be referenced by shareholders in executing their rights
Processing of data and statistics related to (1) to (3) above
Inquiries on Information
Various kinds of inquiries and requests about information of shareholders are received by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, which serves as the transfer agent, at its head office and its branches all over the country. Contact the address shown below.
Depending on the request, you may be asked to submit change notifications or other documents.Please note that we may be unable to meet requests for the deletion of information of shareholders submitted in accordance with the Companies Act and other related laws and ordinances.

Stock Transfer Agency Department,
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Office: 7-10-11 Higashi-Suna, Koto-ku, Tokyo 137-8081 Japan
Phone: 0120-232-711 (toll-free in Japan)
Our Contact Address
Please contact our customer service office.